The Lord says, “It is My Will and Good Pleasure to give you Favor and Blessings. Even when you see the enemy knock My Promises out of your hand, do not be distraught. I will complete My Word over your Life. You will stand with what I have spoken. Quitting is not part of your vocabulary and neither is it in My make-up. I created it all, so I can do, with what is in your hands, the impossible. I have not been limited by what limits you.
You were perfectly designed by My hand and for this time in human history. You are not just shuffling around trying to get from one point to the next. You are destined for Greatness so Rise Up! Nothing will defeat you! Nothing will stop what I have ordained over your life. I breathe a Fresh Fire over your inner being. Be Renewed. Be Restored. Be Healed. Be Set Free. Guilt and condemnation will not be your undoing. Decide to be done with what limits you.”
