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Replenished Hope Ministries
                                             Ministry of MaryEllen M. McCloud ThD, Dmin, DD

           The Dream and Vision for Replenished Hope


Inspired and Breathed to Life by God 

Prophet MaryEllen is the Creator and Visionary Founder of Replenished Hope Ministries International.
MaryEllen is a passionate leader for the Kingdom of God. She has been called to be a Prophetic Voice,
 Revivalist, and to bring God's Love and Healing to all that she touches. God is using MaryEllen as
a Unique Voice to set people free, around the world, from deep bondage issues while Restoring
the Hope back into the people.  Her ministry has demonstrated a calling to Ignite and
Move people into a deeper walk with Jesus Christ to discover their own specific call
and destiny. 
MaryEllen is a powerful speaker, author, and generous teacher for the Kingdom. God is bringing fresh Revelation through her in this hour. She values the people she ministers to and desires to Spark the
Flame inside of those she reaches. MaryEllen began her full-time ministry in 2007. God has been
faithful to increase her territory and reach to go further into the areas of darkness to establish
God's Light. 
MaryEllen fulfills her mission to build up those who have been torn down by life, giving them tools, knowledge, and direction. She carries a powerfully anointed mantle in the Prophetic and Healing
fashioned and crafted by God.  MaryEllen is known strongly for her God-given talent to
explain complex Kingdom teachings in an easy to understand format. 
MaryEllen is also a Licensed Professional Counselor and has achieved Board Certifications.
She maintains a private practice helping people find the healing that they so much deserve. She so
enjoys being a part of lives truly changed, and it is a
joy and pleasure to walk a person into their own freedom. 

Replenished Hope is working on many community projects that help those in desperate need.  We rely on
our partners to meet these demands.  If you would like to partner and make a difference with us,
please click below.  

MaryEllen achieved Doctoral Degrees in Christian Theology;  Ministry;  & Divinity
Masters in Mental Health Counseling

“Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.”

2 Chronicles 20:20. 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

 MaryEllen is Ordained as a Prophetic & Apostolic Minister for the Kingdom

a Prophetic Voice for this Generation

“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; Acts 2:17

We are at a time in History where the Power of God is Manifesting in His people in ways never

seen before. For those that desire to Embrace all that God has given them as Royal 

Sons and Daughters, there is a Higher Level of Walking in our Relationship with

God. All believers have access to the Realms of God's Glory, Many do not

know how to grow in their God given gifts, talents, and anointings.



To Awaken, Heal, and Equip the Bride of Christ 

To Set the Captives Free

For All of God's People to Reach Their Destiny and Call In Christ

The Kingdom of God in Full Power and Majesty over all of the Earth.

Bring Revival to the Streets at Home and Around the World with the Love of Christ

Me RetouchedMirror.png
The Path Becomes Unclear
You Restore My Soul and Spirit

You Restore My Soul and Spirit

I can't say enough about what a blessing you are to me. Thank you for your ministry ~Shawn J.

Thank You Mighty Woman of God

Thank You Mighty Woman of God

Your prophetic words hit my heart like an arrow. God Bless and Keep You! ~Jess S.



Your ministry has given me hope and light when I didn't think that was possible. ~Carrie A.

Set the Captives Free!

Set the Captives Free!

You helped me get from bonded servant to daughter of the King. Free indeed. Bless You! ~Terri H

Come to My Living Waters

Come to My Living Waters

Deep calls to the Deep! Thank you for being that Voice for the Lord! ~Isabella M



I just discovered Replenished Hope today and I'm hooked! SO encouraging! ~Tina C

GLORY to God!!!

GLORY to God!!!

Replenished Hope is a consecrated partaker of Father's divine nature in Christ Jesus! ~Maria H.



Truly a WORD in due season 4 me. Thank you! ~Delayne P.

Anointed, deep words!

Anointed, deep words!

So deeply grateful the Lord led me Here! Thank you Yeshua! ~Mary Beth D.

Truly blessed revelations on deep to

Truly blessed revelations on deep to

I am grateful to have discovered this anointed vessel. ~Dedra A.

Always full of Light and Hope

Always full of Light and Hope

Thank you for helping me on the way to my Destiny in Him. ~Ewa B.

Praise be to God

Praise be to God

Indepth prophetic words that are in season!!! ~Rose B.

So prophetic under Authority

So prophetic under Authority

Enlarging my faith and identity in Him...everyday ...amen ~Babita M.



So happy to be part of the Replenished Hope family! ~Pam K.

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