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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

November 25, 2020 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “Sometimes you don’t know what to do or say about a situation. What you have tried has not worked the way you had hoped. You have waited for My Swift Hand but found My timing had not arrived yet. Know today My Beloved, that the time is now in the right position to hand you the victory. What you thought would manifest one way will look completely different. What you thought would satisfy you, in truth would not. But I am making the wrong into right.

What you have petitioned for and sowed in tears is being dealt with even in this hour. I will not leave the score unsettled. What came to your door was not of your own doing and the works of the enemy are receiving My Gavel of Justice. Even those who claim innocence in their guilt will be handed My Verdict. My ruling is perfect and I Am your Advocate. Steer clear of the seeds the enemy is attempting to plant in your mind and heart. Resist him and he will flee.”

~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope 


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