The Lord says, “Compromise can be the life or death of something. Do you know when to compromise and when to hold your ground? Far too many are compromising their very soul to the enemy because they refuse to stand for truth. Do not walk around afraid to offend or ruffle someone’s feathers. You can do so in love more than you realize. Understand that when you refuse to speak up, you are inadvertently agreeing with the lie on some level. What starts out small, will grow until you are giving in to a new lie at every turn.
You cannot always be a peacemaker where there will be no peace unless you accept the wrong side. The more you give in, the more you will be controlled and silenced. Loving someone does not mean you have to walk in their lie with them. It does not mean you have to be verbally violent with them either. I desire you to walk in the spirit and in this season, I will teach you what this really looks like. I no longer want you to see the people through your flesh and with human understanding. I have fresh eyes to give you.”
~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope
