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November 15, 2020 Prophetic Word

Writer's picture:  MaryEllen McCloud MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “You have not missed My Grand Plans nor missed the latest turn in the road. Where you are is where you are to be. The scenery around you is changing by My Hand and not your own. You are on schedule and the changing of the Guards has begun. Embrace the New for the old is fading out of your focus. Many will remain determined in the wrong matters, so decide to listen to My Voice above all others. Distractions are prevalent so you must stay diligent if you are to stay on track.

Release the idea that you must strive hard to plow even a field that has already been worked. I see your heart to do well in what I have given you in task. I will make the crocked path straight, and you will find what is before you, will yield a bountiful harvest even while let the ground rest. You have come far and still you are standing. You are stronger than you know. It is time to soar higher and rise up for the land is yours to command.”


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