The Lord says, “Many see Brokenness as the end, but I say it is the Beginning. Hand over all that is too much for you to bare. Hand over what failed to produce the Beauty first intended. I know just what to with a Hope Deferred. Yes, evil moved against what I set into Motion, but I Am the Alpha and Omega. I will decide the outcome in the end. Trust that diamonds are the end result of a process. What seemed like it was worthless will turn into My light of Majesty.
My Goodness Surrounds your circumstances. My Prosperity will be your portion once again. I dwell inside even your most hidden corners. I will not let you fall into a damaged state. Look Up for your Deliver is in the Atmosphere. Feel the Shift as My Presence dissolves even the greatest of cares. You are walking into a time yet unknown to you but soon it will represent Freedom from all that oppressed you. You are so precious and My love invades your cries and your needs are Mine to satisfy. You will come out better than you went in.”
~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope

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