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March 8, 2021 Prophetic Word

Writer's picture:  MaryEllen McCloud MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “I keep time, and I keep you. Do you not exist outside of time and space as well? Think of yourself as an everlasting being and not a mere mortal destined to perish. What is before your eyes; this too shall pass. Let Me help you find clarity and direction. I will not leave you alone without My Voice. I have your hand, let’s move forward. Stop when I say stop and move when I say move. Just as Moses was guided by the cloud by day and the fire by night, I will be there for you. We will not be stopping until you reach the promised land of what I have been waiting for you to inhabit.

What you go through now, will prepare you for what is just over that hill. I will make those giants look like ants. Feel your feet trampling over even the scorpions and snakes. You are called to Rule and Reign with Me. Are you not seated next to Me in heavenly places? You have already arrived there. You are not waiting to get there. See yourself with the true perfection that I am doing in you. There is nothing too difficult to overcome. Release yourself over to Me fully, and just watch how I change all that is out of alignment into complete divine agreement. Nothing will be overlooked. Do you trust that I would do all of this for you?”

~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope 


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