The Lord says, “You are the Apple of My Eye! I want you to wake up to a life unimaginable becoming imaginable. Get ready for a strong finish to the year. When some aspects appear hopeless, I will reorder your steps. You are coming out of what has held you back for even the past few years. When you refuse to let go of despair, you come into agreement with the wrong spirit. Do I not even care for the birds of the air and the fish of the sea? Why would I leave you stranded in such an hour as this?
Many have watched others walk in the higher levels of gifts and wondered how can I get there too? I am going to answer you with the desires you have long held onto. It is by My Hand that someone reaches new levels. You must be faithful in what you have and run with passion for more. When you outgrow what I have given you, is when you will receive more. Push through the growth spurts. Push through the moments of stretching out of your comfortable thoughts. I am still up to My Plans over My people this Year!”