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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

March 15, 2021 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “You will not grab the new when you are so sure the old is the only method and way. If I created everything then I am not subject to what the mind of men can conceive. Let My Rivers flow in and through you. I have much much more to for you to embrace. There are many aspects that I have not even become to start in your life. What is for you may not be for someone else. Be expectant for yourself and not look to what someone else received.

You are a unique Child of Mine. What is perfect for you will not be for another. Stand in the Ready! Speak life into your day. Push aside the lies and plans of the enemy. Resist falling into familiar traps. I have a glorious life for you to walk in and it just takes your belief in such a thing. You are not subject to the storms of life unless you decide to bow to what comes. I am sending strength and resources to your circumstances. You are about to replace the sackcloth for Royal garments in a whole new way. The ashes of yesterday are transforming into My Beauty before your very eyes.”

~Blessings MaryEllen McCloud Replenished Hope 


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