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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

June 8, 2020 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “You are My Beloved. No longer are you a servant, but YOU are My Sons and Daughters with My DNA inside of you. Rise up this day, and take your rightful place next to Me at the Throne. I give you the authority to Rule and Reign with Me. I call you Co-Creators in what I am doing this very day. Do Not throw this precious gift on the ground!! Grab it and run with it.

All will come to pass in My perfect timing. Pray with your spirit and nothing you utter will fall to the ground! I will perform My Word and My Promises over mankind. I will come through. Trust Me, Love Never Fails! Love those that I love. I desire that no one would perish. Reach out to the lost. Pray for change across all Nations! I desire for you to stand with Me and be carriers of My change! All have sinned equally and fallen short of My Glory. All are given the full right to come back into My Grace and Mercy.”


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