The Lord says,“Fire is not only orange or red. My Fire of Blue has been released upon the Earth Realm. This flame contains a heat that My people have not experienced before. Within this movement is Revelation and Heavenly Visitation. Those with the vision for what I am doing will be launched higher into these aspects. Those who reject this movement will not eat at its table. I am seeking those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Do not go about your day the way you did years gone by.
There is a division coming between those that desire that I speak gloom and doom and those that will speak My Love towards mankind. My plumbline is in your midst. The Bride is out of balance. Speak what I say to Speak and nothing more. Man’s opinions have created walls of pride. When you are in error, say “I am in Error.” When you have wronged someone, come before Me for renewal. Stop pointing the fingers at what others have done. I am holding you accountable for your deeds and actions. How you conduct yourself matters more than you have considered. You will reap what you sow.”