The Lord says, “If you want to know My Will and Answer to that which is before you, then spend time with Me for I will not leave you empty handed. What man thinks is limited and flawed. You only find one part, but I have the rest of the pieces. I will open your eyes and open your heart to accept the story behind the surface. I desire to take you to a new place in Me where you can be My Ambassador to even those you think do not deserve My Best.
I choose to use You! I am so excited about what we will do together. Cast away the doubt and fear for I am going to use you in unusual ways. Even when you think others are far more qualified, I will choose to work through you instead. I am no respecter of persons. I just require a willing vessel and a heart open and yielded to My Voice. I will do the unimaginable. Just you wait and see! Rise up for your hour is upon you.”