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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

December 30, 2019 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “Are you thinking about going back to the drawing board? Many are looking over the years with contempt for the roads that were closed or turned sharply in another direction. They have missed My Hand of Protection and felt that I betrayed their heart. I desire to show up and out on your behalf. My heart is always about the best in your life. When you partner with My Will, you carry the ripe atmosphere for the miraculous to invade your territory.

If you understood what I was replacing your disappointments with, you would no longer feel pulled towards what was not. Will you trust Me? Do I not know everything what will make up each one of your days? We can go as far as you desire, but sometimes you must be willing to walk on that ledge knowing that I will indeed keep you safe. I will never let you wander too far. The days are changing so the way you walk must also change. Renew your mind daily and meditate on My Word. You are coming out of the dry, dry days. New waters are springing up.”


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