The Lord says, “You are so very precious to Me. I am wrapping you up in My Love. Slow down to feel and partake of My Glory in your life. I want you to remember that the Church is to Rule and Reign. People have this all wrong. You are coming into a time, where clarity will hit the True Bride. Some will walk away to pursue their own agenda. What comes out of the fire will break way for those willing to carry their full rights and authority. You will know how to Command My Power and Authority. The land will be subdued under your Voice. Heaven will invade Earth like never seen before. The two will merge around My People. Those that doubt and attack will not be included in this Majesty. After all, how can one choose to tear down as a way of life and then want to stand in the front line of what I am doing for mankind. I will give credit to those of Righteousness, not those that cast stones for a living with pleasure.”
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