The Lord says, “Let the day begin anew. The past is unchangeable, but I will rewrite the journey when you hand over control of the reins. Consider that the mere time you have been on Earth is nothing to the time that you were with Me at the Foundations. I have taken care of every detail before then, so surely I will not abandon you now! Look up, for Now is your moment. Change is all around. Some look at this with a negative mind. Am I not working all out for your Good? Do I give you rotten fruit as a demonstration of My Love? A delay was not a denial, just a delay. Many throw up their hands and walk away. Your faith is much stronger than you give it credit for. I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith, so I should know what is within your ability. See yourself through My eyes, My Beloved and Precious Child. I died to give you everything, so rejoice for you will receive in due season! I am not finished so choose to not be finished either.”
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