The Lord says, “Let the Unrest, rest! When you get stirred up over temporary issues, distraction will keep you from where you can be most useful. Storms do not churn without more energy being added. Place your time into what I am showing you right now. I will settle the score on what is rising up against you. Nothing will take away your hope in the future. I am already there so trust that the path will turn to gold. You will receive what you are open to. Expect the best and allow even better. I am taking your hands in this hour. They will feel empty but this is on purpose. My finest is being placed within your earthen vessel. What you could not see will become crystal clear. This season is full of amazing surprises. Forsake what failed to materialize before today. You will not receiving a lesser plan if I Am your Heavenly Father. Looking in the rearview mirror will keep wandering around in the mind of the past. Let what was, be for I am taking you to places of My Glory.”
