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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

April 12, 2020 Prophetic Word

The Lord says, “Refresh your mind and shake off the disappointments from the past. I will make all things new so get ready for the explosion coming. I have your calendar in front of Me. I will mark your days with Joy that will even surprise you. Scenery changing can bring apprehension. I want you to just continue to look forward and soon you will gladly embrace what is before you. I have spared you from the things you were chasing that only would lead to harm. Pay attention to road that closes. I will not allow you to open up what I have protected you from. Take your eyes off of what does not bear fruit and walk where you will be plentiful among the land. I have More Glory still to pour out over your life! I am just getting started. I am stoking the fire within your inner being. Let the flame grow even when others do not understand. You carry what no one else carries. I made you invaluable and priceless. It does not matter who sees the gold inside for soon everyone will be unable to deny My Fingerprint upon your life.”

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