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MaryEllen McCloud

December 14, 2019

The Lord says, “Tomorrow is just but a day in your journey. Many overlook where they are today because they are seeking something unattainable in their Now, and that is the Tomorrow’s. The Tomorrow’s of your hopes and dreams become your Today’s. It is time to fully embrace what I am up to Today and not look off too far into the future. When your focus in on the ‘later on’ in life, you will miss when that Later On becomes your Now. Direct your focus onto My Glory. I will take care of what is to come just as I have wrapped beauty in your now. Do not allow the enemy to taint your perspective. Do not become double-minded for it will damage your soul.

Today is where I am meeting you in the Secret Chambers of My Heart. I am cleaving to your every word, thought, and hope in Me. I am planting Good seeds of harvest in your life for you to cultivate. Many stomp on those seeds because they wanted something different Today, but Understand My Child, that what I give you today is indeed setting you up for all of the Grander that you have longed for and More! I said I will exceed your expectations, so give Me your best expectations. I will shine bright on your behalf. I will not fail, so release your burdens and find My Unending Love.”

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