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MaryEllen McCloud

November 23, 2019

The Lord says, “There is a New Sound Coming. One that will be unfamiliar and missed by many, but My True Ones will hear it and right away know it is from My Throne room. As this sound vibrates over land and over sea, nations will be shaken, lives will be altered, and demonic strongholds will topple. Did you see Saul become Paul in a just a mere moment? Do you think I cannot still bring that kind of radical conversion even with your enemies? I have called the lost home, and what is coming will sound a new era that even the biggest skeptic will not be able to avoid noticing.

In times of bleak reports, I Am the God that will give an answer. I Am the One who will come through on every need that you have. When you look to other sources for relief, you will miss what I am doing on your behalf and give credit to illegitimate people and things. Be mindful of the grumbling and complaining that you do for this will be a curse unto your own soul. Free yourself of having to figure out every situation for My Child, I have the way already mapped out. Take time each day to stay connected to me even on days you feel the most unworthy.”

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