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November 21, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Lord says, “You will be subject to the illegitimate influences or forces that come your way unless you see them as underneath your authority. Seize your day and own it. What happens is at your command if only you believe. When the seas Rock back and forth, you can remain in calm peace for I Am your Lord! I will take you high and I will take you low. There is a strategy in all of your directions.

Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. It does not matter what is designed to knock you out for the count, you will rise up by My Authority and be propelled higher because of what was sent to destroy you. Take heed to guard your heart and mind. You will not get derailed when you see situations for the truth and not the deception. You have wisdom and unless you use it, it will mean nothing in reality. Use what is within you and Ask for More, for there is no lack in My Kingdom. The scenery is changing so be ready!”

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