The Father says, The birds of the air are free and so find your spirit soaring to places that were only mere dreams just a moment ago. There are no prison bars that can contain you any longer. Change your mind and see that this cell only consisted of a door all along. The walls were gone through the works of the Cross. Walk out into all that I have for you. Do not spend one more second in the ashes of yesterday. I will restore; I will rebuild; I will cause all to be reborn once again. Your portion is increase and double portions, but I say that even in this moment, expect even more!

Many will say for you to prepare for the end, but I Am not the God of the End! I Am the God of your NOW. Now is your time to walk in the Greatest Movement My Spirit has ever poured out upon the Earth. Remove your sour face and get ready for My Glory and Presence is increasing all over the Land and within My People. I am calling My Bride to greatness that even the servants of old never obtained. Your choice is simple; are you with Me or not? I will not take you kicking and screaming if you would rather stay in the pit of ‘never gonna happen.’ I Am the God of ALL THINGS POSSIBLE! Do you Believe,then you shall receive!