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MaryEllen McCloud

October 28, 2019

The Father says, Some of you are on the yellow brick road and just need to keep following the path in front of you. Others wonder if they are going in the right direction, but the next sign has not appeared because they forgot to finish the last set of instructions that I gave them. There are seasons were I will tell you to hit the Rock and there are other times I will tell you to speak to the Rock. Cleave to Me so you do not misunderstand or fail to notice the new instructions. Forget about the pressures others are placing upon you. Just pause the world around you for a moment, and ask Me again.

I Am here for every need you could possibly express. You asking is an important part of our relationship. In coming before Me, you are making a declaration in faith and belief in My desire to answer you with My Favor and Blessing. It is not a coincidence that you received that good news or open door. Watch Me in every affair and every desire. You are not a stranger to Me. Decide not to have Me be a stranger to you. All relationships grow through interaction and time spent apart from the daily routine. What you make time for speaks what is important to your heart.

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