The Father says, You are not living for today, but for eternity as well. Look at all that is around you and make a decision about whether some things should be in your life or not. You cannot hang onto things because of complacency or not wanting to rock the boat. Be on purpose in all your dealings, for you cannot get this moment back. Wasting time on the wrong people will steer you off track. You have a beautiful heart that I put there. Not everyone will care for your heart the way I do. Guard it and fill your life with those that will walk with you in the fire and on the beach. Life contains the extremes.

Testing and trials help the tree trunk grow stronger to stand against the mighty winds that are sure to come again. You are a tree of life not death. Speak life and life will spring up wherever your travels take you. Even when others spit death upon you, life will still take root because you are an atmosphere changer. The darkness will always flee when Light arrives. Let Me take care of the battles of Life. You just focus on where we are going. You are blessed and My Favor surrounds you.