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October 6, 2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Man sees one sinner better than another. I say ALL have fallen short of My Glory. I do not keep a tally on who does more right or wrong. Just thinking is the same as doing. My Light shining on man is what keeps My Creation still breathing. My Light allows the beauty to still radiate all over creation. All of mankind would pass away if I did not tend to My Garden every day. I am not surprised by the events of yesterday, today, or tomorrow. What I created I will have the final say over. Release the mind that wants anything less than My Best and Perfect Will for all.

Do you see the saint until you see their sin? I have called you My Saints, from the moment you came home to My Love and Acceptance. I will not remove you from My list of the Beloved simply because you failed to perform correctly right now. You are not somehow doing something that I did not already nail to the cross over 2000 years ago. I am calling My Bride to walk in maturity and stop pointing fingers at the imperfections and weakness of those on the Potter’s Wheel. No one is a finished Master piece, but one day all will behold the Finished Works of My Hands and see the majesty of what I have done in and through one and all!

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