The Father says, Nothing is too difficult for Me even when you feel hopeless. I know where you are right now. I know all of your feelings and emotions from moment to moment. Your actions are understood by Me on a level that is even deeper than you understand about yourself. Remember I created you and breathed into you life from My own Spirit. Beloved, I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Nothing is going to cause Me to change My Mind.
You do not need to run and hide. It does not matter what you have done or not done, I will love you! I will forgive you! I will heal you! I will restore! I will rebuild! I will bless your hands! You have not committed the unforgivable sin. You are on the road to the Becoming! Be at ease with yourself. Love yourself for I love everything about you! I see the Christ In You. I am looking at the potential that I poured out over you from the foundations. Forget the Past for you do not live there anymore! I make all things NEW.