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MaryEllen McCloud

September 25, 2019

The Father says, Come into deep communion with Me. You do not need a special day or occasion to ask the deep requests on your heart. I desire to hear all about your day and night. Keep nothing hidden. Do not fear. I Am a lowly Spirit. Trumpets are blowing for your honor. Heaven celebrates the story of your life and what is still to coming with My Glory. Let Me show you secrets about what is to come and what I have placed ahead for you to discover.

Your smile brings Me joy, and you are about to come to a place when you fail to remember a time when you were any happier than this moment right now. I am drying your tears even in this moment. I am healing your heart and mind. I am giving you understanding and purpose to what has happened to you. I am showing you My Goodness to right the wrongs and give restoration in all areas concerning you.

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