The Father says, Why are you in a hurry for this world to end? I gave you an amazing life to live, do not throw it away. Even in the storms I have wonderful surprises to bless you with. Do you want to miss out what I Am doing for you in this now moment, or would you rather just cut to the chase and say, ‘the end?’ I say to you that when you desire this way of existence you will miss out of blessings that will come to you in heaven. Time is in My Hands. You have a purpose far more powerful than your eyes can see and your mind will allow.

Do not be foolish. Man spends his days looking for an escape route when I have a plan for you Now. Do you think I am just wasting My time until I decide to bring an end to what you think is a mistake? Did I not know Adam and Eve would fall? Did I not already know how I would save mankind from a punishment that was not created for them? Let Me have My way in and through you. Stop cursing your own life through a mindset that is against My Will for your life. I call you Highly Favored. Allow Me to show you just how much.