The Father says, What you seek, you shall find. Seek hate and hate will find you. Seek anger; Seek revenge; all will indeed find you. But I say spend your day and night in pursuit of Love. Seek the Kingdom. Seek My Glory and Light. I will not deny those who seek for the things that are pure, lovely, and righteous. I did not ask you to go quarrel with other brothers and sisters in Christ. I did not send you to speak when I did not give you the words. Guard your lips for the enemy goes after a heart that aligns with his desire to accuse the brethren.

People focus on the problems of the world when they should focus on the Goodness all around. For as you seek, more will grow and come into your life. The key is in your hand. Let the dead bury the dead. Come Follow Me! Let Me remove all of the ugly from your heart and mind. A great infilling is happening unto My People. Gather all of the empty jars that you can, so that the Oil may pour and pour into your lives. Never ending and never ceasing! I have more higher realms for you to travel in, but you must forsake the lower roads.