The Father says, As you move your foot forward, be aware that well meaning people will raise their hand in objection. They will not see the vision I have placed deep on the inside of your spirit. They will tell you of impossibilities in this plan. Do not spend one moment speaking to their fears and mistrust. For if you listen too long, you will doubt as well. I am covering your ears from the whispers, as well as, the shouting. Leave the distractions by the sidelines.
You have more information than you realize. I have prepared you well even if you feel naked at the beginning. You are clothed in My righteousness and since I cannot fail, you will succeed as long as you stay near to Me. Do not get over confident so that you wander too far ahead of My Voice. I know it is tempting to run instead of walking with purpose. Doors are opening before you. Walls are coming down. What I birthed in you to do for My Namesake is about to be exposed for all to see. Get ready for the best times of your life to become your reality! I have More for You!