The Father says, A New Revival is over the Earth Realm. It has already begun, but many still live as they believed before. What you are not open to seeing and experiencing, you will not partake of. If you are not seeking revival in your own heart and mind, why would you see My Hand all over the lands either? Radical Change is taking place for My Voice will not return Void! I am not finished with My Plans or bringing mankind into My Kingdom.

My Spirit stirs the spirit in all of mankind. You have a choice to let that grow larger and wider, or silence it. You are not ignorant. No one will stand on that last day and have legal right to say they did not know. Even the pagan in the jungle can witness My Glory and decide for himself. My Spirit prepares the way, and gives the heart understanding to the incomprehensible. Be a vessel willing to allow My presence to go in your comings and goings. Be open to new doors and new assignments much different than you had imagined. Allow Me to show you what My Kingdom on Earth can truly accomplish.