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MaryEllen McCloud

August 11, 2019

The Father says, I have said before that I am unleashing a new movement and wave from My Spirit. This will be like nothing mankind has ever witnessed before. In previous waves, I have allowed those in My Bride, who rejected what I was doing at first, to eventually come into the fold. This time will be different. I desire My people to come into a new level of My Glory Now, and I will not wait for stragglers. Many continue to resist the New saying that I do not do a New Thing. Who are you to decide if I am doing something New or not? Did I consult you before I say Behold, I do a New Thing? Many think they know My word and yet, I am simply a stranger to them in reality.

You are free to mock and persecute my Chosen who Hear and Follow My Voice at your own peril. You are not in charge. My plan for mankind was written at the foundations. I gave you free-will, but nowhere did I give you control. The road begins to narrow with fewer and fewer who desire More. A lazy and complacent Bride is no use for the Kingdom purposes. If you could physically see Me in your house would you change your response? Know this very day that I Am in your house everyday, seen or unseen. I know your true motives and heart. Come before Me and ask for a clean heart in this season. I still have much that I desire to do in and through you. Will you say, No?

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