The Father says, My Gold is all around you. Do you not see? The gold is in you and others near and far. Pull out the gold inside of your inner being and reach deep to expose it in all. People always reach their best when others support and encourage. Do you really need to be screamed at to reach your highest potential? I didn’t think so. You may feel wounded by those who devalued you so. Know that I value you beyond measure.

From the foundations, I knew where you would be right now, today. I knew what you would be thinking and feeling. You are not cut down. You are just getting ready to soar. What was holding you back will propel you into what I have waiting on the other side. The worst has already been thrown at you. Stop thinking the worst is yet to come. Only a fool would invite the enemy into such an opening. I live inside of you, so let your spirit rise up and stand strong. Do you not yet understand that the enemy fears you? Do not retreat. It is time to advance the field for you are to take the spoils of war!