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MaryEllen McCloud

June 24, 2019

The Father says, Love conquers all. Love is never ceasing. Love washes away all wrongs. The enemy will run in terror and be finished in your life when you decide to love even those that don’t seem to deserve your love. Many people are broken and need love even more desperately. Love changes people and heals all wounds. What stirs you to walk off of My path centers in beliefs that are covered in lies. Turn around so we may start again. I long to cover you all things of My Goodness. You are worthy of much more than you have felt entitled to ask Me for.

Come Away My Bride. Let Me show you all that My Glory has for you this day. My Love for you has no ending or measuring stick. Decide to be a people who live by this law. You will get hurt and spit upon for your love, but I will indeed reward you beyond comprehension. I am greatly honored by a heart that loves. New levels of Glory will fall on those who love. You can’t out give Me in your life. And you can’t out give My love for you! I Am Love! Change is upon your heart and mind. Embrace the New that I am doing in this hour.

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