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  • MaryEllen McCloud

June 18, 2019

The Father says, For My Body to walk in complete Light, you must come to an understanding and realignment. You can no longer be a people that Fight against what I have given you to do the work with, that I have set before you. People avoid things that they do not understand. Do you think any of My servants in the Bible understood everything I was doing in and through them? Do not think you have all the answers, and do not quench the Holy Spirit.

Tell your Eyes to See. Tell your Ears to Hear. It may be uncomfortable for a season as you reorganize what is truth and what is not. Come before Me with your wonders and questions. I will not turn you away. I will give you insight and wisdom. I will not leave you to your own thoughts. I will fill you with My Word and Spirit with complete revelation. Choose to partake of all the beautiful things that I have set aside for you to walk in. Do not close the door just because you have no understanding of something. If it is from Me, you will be greatly blessed by receiving it into your life.

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