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MaryEllen McCloud

June 16, 2019

The Father says, The enemy has come to condemn with the death sentence he introduced to you, but I have wiped away all of his claims over your very head. Rest in Me knowing that I Am the One who holds all in the Palm of My Hand. I Am the Alpha and Omega. You need not fear anything for I Am your Lord and Savior. I Am not a cruel God that would tell you that you are Mine only to one day cast you aside. Rest assured, You are Mine since the day you declared to be Mine. Come up Higher. See through your spiritual eyes.

Forget the religious law makers and rule book keepers. I changed Saul to Paul, and I will do the very same thing in and through you. My anger is not pouring out on you. My Love is your portion! I will lead you step by step in this world. Decide to follow and your eyes will see Great and Wondrous things. Your hands will be blessed, and you will bless others. Multiplication do I speak over you this day! Whatever you do for My Namesake will be greatly multiplied from this day forward. You are My Chosen!

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