The Father says, Even when others react out of their flesh, choose to rise above to see the good in their spirit. A blind man will have his eyes opened just as Saul became Paul on the Road to Damascus. Persecution will be expected for you carry the glory and light of My Son. Do not even let your mind dwell on what was meant to put you in the enemy’s snare. Just keep moving forward as this is My Will for you. No weapon formed against you will reach your shores. My angels are assigned to protect and watch over you. Nothing escapes My attention. You are being promoted. Do not drop your crown in the process.
What was meant to take away your peace will be replaced with beauty from Heaven. Flowers bloom today in your honor. You are sitting at the Master’s Table. I will share My Heart with you in our quiet times together. New doors are coming; Doors to send you completely out of the realms of distractions that you are encountering right now. When you see what is lying just ahead, you won’t even want to spend time in the muck that is trying to consume you. You were made for more, and you are at the threshold of Kingdom Treasures that only you can unlock. You are faithful, and I trust you with all that I have set aside for this hour. Look up, for your redeemer is drawing nigh before your eyes.