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MaryEllen McCloud

May 13, 2019

The Father says, Many choose to waste their time wishing for a different kind of life, filled with all sorts of aspects missing from their current circumstance. When you do that, you are forsaking the brilliant life that I have already constructed. Can I not turnaround what you are certain will never shift or change? Do not allow your mind to be the block. I am not finished with you yet! Where you are today is for today. Tomorrow you have yet to see. Some of your greatest gifts and blessings will come out of moments that you would rather remove from the storyline. If you haven’t put it in My hands yet, how will you know what I will do with it?

No, it was not My desire or will for you to go through waves of struggles or tragedy, but Am I not the keeper of your days? Will I not come through to destroy the schemes of the enemy? The condition of your heart matters, and I will put My Healing Balm on all of the war torn areas. You will become more, than what you would have, if these battles never touched your shores. Let Me have all that sorrow, and I will throw it as far as the East is from the West. You may not be able to change what happened, but I will waste nothing in your life and beauty from the ashes is My delight. There is nothing stopping you in reality. What you see as limitations, I see as a chance for Me to show up and show out on your behalf. Never underestimate what I will do in your life.

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