The Father says, Do not allow the rustling in the enemy’s camp to alarm you. Keep your eyes focused on where you are going in this hour. What has come against you with weapons of grandeur will be turned around like a boomerang back to the accuser of the brethren. Some will be caught in the crossfire for they have joined in with the actions of the illegitimate forces moving upon you. You are rising up into promotion so do not lose your way by responding in ways of the old past. You are much more today in who I have formed you into. Do not lower yourself into petty strife.
The truth will always come forth. Rest in the knowing that I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I can manage what has become to great for you to fend off alone. Where you are going is priceless so keep pressing on. The scenery is changing swiftly and remaining on the correct road is vital in this hour. One road leads to life and the other, death. Do not stop by the shoulder to look behind you. What has been hidden is only for your eyes and, soon you will behold what others would never imagine I would do on your behalf. You have been found proven in these trials and tribulations. Receive My Love for you and do not second guess what is My delight over your days.