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MaryEllen McCloud

April 29, 2019

The Father says, Growth is a by-product of all things living. Where there is death, growth will cease. I am coming to you in this hour to help you see areas that require an overhaul or a pruning. Where there was neglect, I will expose the light in those places. I am calling you to a new place in Me. One where fear no longer grips your soul. One where you leave the opinions of man on the ground. There will always be those that believe you are misguided. Have you asked Me for the truth? You will not be able to please those near and far as you walk the path I have for you. Rest assured, time will reveal whether you were in My will or not.

Take the burdens and failures of yesterday off of your ‘think about more’ to-do list. You can do nothing with these so decide to let them go never to be picked up again. Today is where your miracle is. Breakthrough is your portion, and your transition into the new season is upon you. Long awaited promises and answers to prayers are before you. Do not be tempted to look back for the sackcloth of the past was removed. The enemy will remind you of what failed to produce. Simply smile and say My Father released me, and I am blessed and highly favored. You are being strengthened in this hour. Feel the freshness even in the air!

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