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MaryEllen McCloud

March 8, 2019

The Father says, Come into My Love. Say to Me, ‘Father I Receive your Love!’ When you do, I will draw My presence over you. It is that simple. No long daily rituals to get to My Gateway. I am there ministering over you right when you Speak your desire to receive My Love. I will not deny you, and I will not make conditions for My outpouring. Just decide to flip the switch and just watch what I do for you in this hour.

I am available to you 24/7. Did someone tell you otherwise? I am not off busy creating a world that has not fallen into sin. I am with you always keeping careful watch over you. I know what is coming to you tomorrow and the next. Spend time with Me when you rise and when you rest. I will speak to those situations that are near and dear to you. I have the way and blessing to come through all of this. Many think that I am not a God of great blessing and promise. But those who are not studious of My Word would believe the lies of the enemy.

Be like the Bereans and Study My Word instead of letting it glance through your eyes only. My Word is a Living Word and as you read it today it will speak to your now and as you read it tomorrow, it will speak to where you are then as well. The Holy Spirit will guide you to wisdom, truth, and revelation when you dig deep and ask questions of all that you see. If you do not ask, seek, and knock as you Study My Word, you will miss the Truth and the Light of Who I Am and Who You are in Me. I must remove the religious scales on your eyes and strip you of what is not of Me.

Many will not survive the shaking as I prune off the false beliefs that they have held onto. Sacred cows have deep roots for some, but unless I remove what is keeping you bound, you will never know the truth and remain fighting against where I desire to take you. If you hear the truth and believe it to be a lie, how will I teach, train, and use you? You cannot hold a lie and My truth in the same hand. Be open for I am coming this day to erase what is not of My Glory, and bring fresh understanding and knowledge to your mind and heart.

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