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MaryEllen McCloud

February 27, 2019

The Father says, What was looking like it would stay in disorder is coming into order in this hour. What seemed to be gaining traction in the wrong direction is about to do a 180 degree turn. What felt like a runaway train is about to come to a complete halt. Do not look at what you see in the natural. The truth of your situation abides in the spiritual realm. Be in deep prayer and hold out your faith like a banner. The giants in the land have been slaughtered.

There is power in grumbling and complaining. You are placing your authority and power into the hands of the enemy and illegitimate voices. You are demonstrating no faith and trust in the One who holds your future. It is your Faith that moves the mountains not your negativity. It is faith that allows you to see beyond the noise to what is My Truth and Answer before you.

There is no power in hell that is greater than the Great I Am. Stop worrying about your days. I know what is written on the pages of your life. I didn’t skip a chapter. You are right on target. Even the times when you allowed yourself to be bankrupt spiritually, I brought you back from your physical and emotional bankruptcy as well. My Glory would do nothing less for you. See yourself as worthy of My time and affection always.

You are the pearl bought at a great price. Change your mindset and run back into My arms. Realign and stay in My Presence. I am coming within you to restore, renew, and rebuild what was trampled upon. When you see what I have done, you will forsake all other idols which you put your hope in. For it is not by might or power, but by My Spirit alone. My way is the only one that will truly take you to life everlasting. Abandon the roads of popularity. Come, for I have much more to show you in this hour!

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