The Father says, Just as an Earthquake starts deep below eventually the power breaks through to the surface. I will not weaken My power, in fact, what is coming will be on an increase with repayments that have been long overdue. No striving is needed on your part. I will show up and show out when you are working on My assignments.
What has held on, with a grip too strong for you to overcome completely, will shatter and disintegrate before your eyes. What seemed to have no winning solution will suddenly be resolved effortlessly. I have told you that I Am Your Loving Father. Find these words embracing a meaning that you never understood before. For in your spirit will you find a new awakening and revelation about just who you are in Me.
You are not lost, you are found. You are not walking in lack, you are in My fullness. Not convinced yet? I promise that you surely will be. Come before Me with bold requests and watch what I do with your faith and trust in My answer! Religion will tell you not to ask for the unimaginable, but I say ASK! Until you seek Me, you will stay in the ‘what if’ mentality. I have not called you to shake with fear. You are My Royal Sons and Daughters who I watch over as the Good Shepard.
For I Am the Sun and Shield bestowing Grace and Glory. No good thing will I withhold from those that walk uprightly. Just Be and Let Me guide you. I will create you into a vessel that will demonstrate the Christ in you with precision into the darkness all around. You are carrying My Light. I will help you shine bright for My Namesake. For what has been lying underneath is to be seen. The scenery is changing. Take time to notice the splendor.