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February 15,2019

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Going around in circles still expecting to see new scenery is not your portion this day. Too many are using the same tools for new problems. You are different and so what used to work will not flow the same way through you. Being comfortable is not a way of life. Embrace the strategies coming down from My Kingdom.

Pick up the new that has been placed at your feet. As you do so, you will instinctively know what to do. Situations that confused you earlier will suddenly come into clarity. Your next move will arise from the fog. People say that when you miss what I am doing, then you go around the mountain again. Really? There are indeed times that mountain circling is necessary to help you work out rebellious behaviors. Not everything you miss results in being cast back to the wilderness. Are there only a few realities or options here?

I have you on a path for Glory and to be molded into the likeness of My Son. I waste nothing in your life. Each step gets you higher and higher, if you keep moving forward. Some seasons will seem like you are crawling along, while other seasons, an acceleration by My Hand pushes you through the stratosphere. Neither season is better than the other. What I am doing in and through you each day is where you need to be.

If you forget who you are, I will surely remind you. A lost identity does a man no good. The world will tell you where to place your causes and who you are. Do you think any of that is really truth? I don’t chase after junk! Get that through your heart and mind. The Christian walk is not as difficult as you have been led to believe. Let Me show you the Life that Christ died to give you. Rest in My Arms.

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