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MaryEllen McCloud

February 10, 2019

The Father says, The Fire that comes towards you is for your benefit. Fan the flame, so that what was ignited grows. I am sending a New Fire to My People. One that will launch them with Power and Precision into New Realms of the Supernatural. Many will see this Flame as evil and wrong. They will rise up wanting to put out what I have poured out over all flesh.

Stand Strong as their winds come against you. I will deal with your enemies whether they are in My Body or not. Do not relent and do not be overcome with the opposition from even friends. People who pave and plow into the new are always seen as being out of My Will. I am in charge of your reputation. I will set the record straight in due time. Do not be tempted to let the flame go low in order to draw less attention. NO! I want you to fan the Flame Higher, Brighter, and even to the point that the Fire looks recklessly out of control!

Do not Quench the Spirit! Let Me have My Way over your life and everything I ask of you. I will flow in and through you in Mighty and Astounding ways. Religious minds have brought false beliefs to My Body. I am removing the blindfolds over the Lands for My Namesake. Things are going to be different than what you have walked in before Now! Open your Heart and Mind to what I am doing among these generations.

Change is necessary to take My People to New Levels of My Glory. You cannot stay where you are and be in alignment with My Will. Release yourself from the notion that you will figure out what My Plans are over the Earth. I reveal to mankind what is needed to know in the Now of My Doing. I choose to use you for I have summoned you to take this Journey with Me. You are not pointless. You are Priceless!

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