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  • MaryEllen McCloud

February 1, 2019

The Father says, Religious minds have warned you over and over to stay away from what they deem is not of My Kingdom. Stop and think for a moment. If I send you, then you are the one who I will use to bring My Kingdom to that territory. If no one will go out of fear and lack of faith in My Plans, then what do you say will come of that land and its people? You walk with Keys of Authority and Power to subdue that Land.

Perspective is Key! Am I not raising up Mighty vessels who would be kicked out of those religious churches? Why do you think I Am doing this? It is your heart that I chase. It is your heart that draws Me to you. I turned Saul into a something no one was rooting for- Paul. He became Greater than those that would have looked to keep him out of My Kingdom. I know what someone’s potential and destiny is with Me at the Center of their Life!

I call many but few will actually take My Hand and Go! When you are too worried about what you think makes you not qualified, you will miss that I Am the One that Solely makes someone qualified. I Am not counting your sins or the mistakes you have made. I can do unlimited exploits with those willing to just Go!

One day you will see the full blueprint of what I created you to do and be. Will you be disappointed in how you ran your race? Now is your time to come into full agreement with Me. Too many run to and fro being in agreement with all sorts of illegitimate voices. I will strengthen you and give you restoration. All things are becoming New in this Hour. There is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you only believe!

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