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MaryEllen McCloud

January 28, 2019

The Father says, I have put My Seal upon you so that you will be known and seen by My Authority. Understand that the enemy knows you by this seal as well. Do not grow sleepy in your daily duties for when you drop your guard, you could lose your ground. Be deliberate for the things of the Kingdom. Many take for granted where they are and stop seeking the More that I offer.

Choice will steer your course, so be wise in My Spirit and Word. I have new angels before your path to take you to the next lookout. When you arrive, you will see beyond the fog and uncertainty. You have grown much in faith and trust. This season will put those lessons to test, but know that you will overcome. This is a time to claim the territory and do not shrink back due to reports of giants.

Will I not go before you? Nothing is impossible when you have the God of all things behind you. I have taken you to this point. Look at just how far you really have come. You are much more than a mere mortal. You are My Royalty and My Precious Children. I set your feet upon High Places.

Celebration is upon you! Greater than you know right now. You have gone through powerful fires and trials like no other time in your life. What you planted in Heaven’s seeds are reaping an increase of unprecedented value. The stage has been set for generational harvests across all nations. Are you ready!

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