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MaryEllen McCloud

January 23, 2019

The Father says, Moses could have released the Israelites through becoming Pharaoh. My people need to understand that there is a high cost to their soul and spirit when they envision the easier route to My plan and purpose over their life. For Moses to rise to ruler as Pharaoh, he would have had to go assimilate into their religion and practices. Would he gain his life and soul by doing such things?

Listen My Sons and Daughters, you must decide which side of the fence you will be on, for I say that you cannot live in light and darkness. You will have no influence for My Namesake when you live a dual life of sin and pleasure while claiming to be My Elite. Even the world understands this hypocrisy. You possess what the world needs to be free from the darkness and the condemnation of sin. Do not live a life of enjoying sin, for your soul will not prosper, and the enemy will have dominion over you.

The Israelites wanted to go back into bondage for they saw that life as easier. Choose not to be a people with such narrow minds. The more you live a life of no compromise to the darkness, the less of a pull the world will become. You must decide daily to take up your cross and live in freedom. Do not walk back into that cell and ask for chains again!

I have called you unto Myself and set you apart to bring the answer to a lost and dying world. How will they see the difference Christ has made when you are living an unchanged life? No other god can do what I have done for you. Do not waste any more moments living as if it does not matter. The very souls around you need to see the Light of Christ in you. Do not hide under a basket from this day forward. I choose to use you to change lives all around you. I have promised to do great exploits in and through you. Embrace My Love for you. I have called you My Friend!

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