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MaryEllen McCloud

January 21, 2019

The Father says, I have given you the power to devour the lion in the wilderness. Stop and stand your ground. I Am your rear guard! Go forward for what can man do to you when I Am your Lord and Savior. You are under My order and direction. Take My signet ring and use the authority that I have given you, for that mountain will surely move when you command it.

You are not Gideon, but if you feel like him know that He only needed 300 men to defeat all that came against him. Will I not surely do the same for you? I will confuse the enemy while they are still in their camp. See things from Heaven’s perspective. This issue you have is small in reality. When you have the God of all beside you, how big could any problem truly be. Decide to not give this thing more power than it actually has in your life.

My resources are limitless and beyond your imagination. Your enemy only has a few tricks up his sleeve. Decide not to fall for the same old trap that he just set up again on your path. When your life is going around in circles, you have the power to stop the madness. Choose a different response and see what is truly behind this pattern in your life.

You are not powerless against the ways of your flesh. Do not let it master you! I have given you the power to be transformed in your heart and mind. The DNA of Christ is within you. The power of the Resurrection dwells inside of you. It is not an external source of power that you hope shows up in a time of need. NO! You already have inside of you all that is needed to defeat anything that comes your way. Draw upon the well and living waters. See yourself as limitless through Christ, and you will maintain victory no matter what comes your way.

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