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MaryEllen McCloud

December 29, 2018

The Father says, Old wells and New wells are springing up like a mighty river all around you. My refreshing waters are bathing you in My Glory this very day. The lack in your life is leaving. The poverty mindset is being destroyed. The orphan spirit is being removed. Look up My Children. I have many new things coming into your life for your hands have never experienced these wonders before.

Come alive with anticipation! I am not finished with you yet! Come up higher to see My full purpose over your life. Decide not to continue to live in the mundane of life and just merely getting by. I tell you this day that your shoes will not wear out where I am sending you. The best years are just beginning. Do you believe Me?

Complete turnarounds are My specialty. My resources are always available to you. Release the doubt and fear. Place your trust in My Hands and never change your mind. Your faithfulness releases wonderful things into your life that you did not even sow for! My favor and attention to detail is working all things out for your good.

Drop what you are doing and run into My Arms. Everything is going to be all right! You are gaining new ground and momentum into the coming months. Even your missteps are going to work out for your favor. I will bring all things around for your blessing if you allow Me to. Rest, for I will carry your burdens always!

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