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MaryEllen McCloud

December 26, 2018

The Father says, There are structures all around you that are crumbling and coming down. The new structure is coming into view and focus. Do not look for what is leaving, instead concentrate on what lies ahead. For in the Now, you will find Me in the Field. My Sheep have lost their way several times, but I am shifting the atmosphere where you will know My Voice in a fresh new way. My people must decide that Knowledge is Power. Desire to have a deeper hunger for the things of My Kingdom. Study to show yourself approved. For when you do, the enemy will have less room to deceive you with his twisted lies. Meditate on My Word for it will guide you in all things. My Spirit will fall upon you to give My revelation about all things. Do not expect someone else to do the work for you. New levels are obtainable, but you must ask, seek, and knock. You must seek out the hidden to discover what was once unknown. Choose not to be satisfied where you are. I will make you into My disciple, and I will speak to you directly. I have never called you to be a slave. I have called you into an intimate relationship. Can you hear My Heart beat with anticipation? You have not disqualified yourself from being in My Presence. Let Me have a moment of your time. I can do more in one moment than you could do in decades with your own hands. My purpose towards you is to give you the Zoe way of life that I died for. Your life will only be what you believe are your limitations. I have placed no limits on how high and far you can go. It is time to get serious, and put away childish notions. The rest of your life is calling. I say it will be beautiful.

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